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Freelance Writing And Editing Jobs: A Guide For Dummies

A freelancing job sounds good for anyone: you can establish your own schedule, you can choose your clients and work as much as you wish. What is there not to like?! Well, there are also some negative points that need to be considered. When you work for a company, somebody is managing the payment, the clients, all the legal aspects and any problem that might show up on the way. As a freelancer, you must handle all of this on your own and to write quality articles in the same time. If you still want to pursue this career, here is a quick guide to get you started:

  • Find your freelancing platform. There are many different ones that you can choose, depending on your preferences and on the kind of service that you offer. This is the place where you will find most of your clients, so you must take this decision wisely. Some of the websites have safe payment programs, just to make sure that you don’t encounter any problems during work. You will pay a small commission and the website will manage the entire hiring process and the payment made by the client.

  • Create a profile. Your profile must convince customers that you are the freelancer that they need. Your description must be fun, relaxed, but professional and interesting in the same time. Your writing style must be obvious from your description. Stay away from anything that might be considered unprofessional or exaggerated.

  • Provide a profile picture. This can make the difference between a dull profile and one that is attracting clients. You must look professional in the picture, friendly, but without any alcohol or pets around. In the end, the customer is interested in you, not in your life partner or passions. Keep it simple.

  • Don’t apply for complicated jobs. As a beginner, you might want to apply for simple jobs, that don’t require experience or too much research. If you deliver quality content from the beginning, your reputation will increase and soon enough you can move on to bigger projects. The price will be smaller for you, but this will last only for a few weeks until you have some successful projects in your portfolio.

  • Deliver on time. This is the first criteria that will make your clients trust you in the future. If you can’t meet a deadline, it’s better to let the client know as soon as you realize this, not wait until the last moment.